To the point guide to PL/SQL
Working with Constants
PL/SQL constant holds a declared value and cannot change it in the program. The declaration of constant has its data type, name and value.
Syntax of Constant Declaration:
Constant_name CONSTANT datatype[Size] := Value;
Here are some important details for above syntax
- Constant_name: The constant name.
- CONSTANT: is a keyword.
- Data type: PL/SQL data type.
- Size: size to store the maximum size value.
- Value: User must initialize the variable value. User cannot re-assign/change it.
In this example Stud_name is constant variable where its value cannot alter.
DECLARE Stud_num(3) := 8 Stud_name CONSTANT varchar2(25) := 'Suman'; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(' Student number is: ' || Stud_num ); dbms_output.put_line('Declared Constant:'); dbms_output.put_line(' Student name is: ' || Stud_name); END; /
Student number is: 8 Declared Constant: Student name is: Suman PL/SQL procedure successfully operation.
The PL/SQL Literals
A literal is same as a constant and an explicit value like numeric, string, character, and boolean which are not represented by identifier. Literals are usually case sensitive.
- Numeric Literals
This literal can be used in arithmetic expressions
Example:number1 := 3.125346e3; -- numeric literal
number2 := -7300.00; -- numeric literal
- Character Literals
These literals include all the characters which are printable in the set like numbers, letters, spaces, and symbols.
'A' '%' '9' ' ' 'z' '('
name1 VARCHAR2(1) := 'n'; -- character literal
- String Literals
This literal is a sequence of zero or group of characters enclosed by single quotes, like
'Oracle’, '$13,00,000', '1-MAY-15'
- BOOLEAN Literals
This literal values are the predefined:
- Date and Time Literals
It have various date formats like 1-MAY-15' or '1-MAY-15 01:14:06 AM'.
DECLARE msg1 VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN msg1 := 'I am learning PL/SQL!!!'; END; /
'I am learning PL/SQL!!! PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
In next part of this guide we will quickly familiarize ourselves with PL/SQL Operators
This tutorial focus on PL/SQL and covers the below topics
- What is PL/SQL?
- Environment Setup
- Variables
- Data Types
- Constants
- Operators
- Conditions
- Loops
- Strings
- Arrays
- Procedures
- Functions
- Cursors
- Records
- Exceptions
- Packages
- Triggers
- Collections
- Transactions
- Date & Time
- Object Oriented
- DBMS Output
If you found any error with any of the docs please let us know.
Learning Objectives
Learn PL/SQL from a beginners perspective, this guide can also help you if you are trying to brush up your PLSQL skills
Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 20th Apr 2015
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