To the point guide to PL/SQL
Working with Packages
Packages in PL/SQL are objects of schema and group of related data types such as variables, constants, procedures, cursors, functions.
Package parts are:
- Package Specification
- Package Body
Package Specification
The specification is the interface, where it contains the list of constants, variables, procedures, function, exceptions names are the part of the package. The specification objects are called public objects. Any function/subprograms not in the specification of package but coded in the body of package is called a private object.
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE student AS -- get student's fullname FUNCTION get_fullname(n_stud_id NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2; END student;
Package created.
Package Body
The package body of PL/SQL has all the code for procedures, functions declared in the specification of package and other declarations which are hidden from outside the package.
The package body is creating by using CREATE PACKAGE BODY Statement
CREATE or REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pack1 IS PROCEDURE procExp1(id in number, name our varchar2) IS BEGIN SELECT * INTO temp FROM Stud_Details WHERE Stud_id = id; END; FUNCTION funcExp(s_id in number) return varchar2 IS Stud_name varchar2(20); BEGIN SELECT sname INTO Stud_name FROM Stud_Details WHERE Stud_id = s_id; RETURN name; END; END; /
Package body created.
Using the Package Elements
By using dot notation user can reference to package elements:
DECLARE Stud_marks NUMBER; sname VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN s_name := pack1.get_fullname(n_stud_id); s_marks := pack1.get_marks(n_stud_id); IF s_name IS NOT NULL AND s_marks IS NOT NULL THEN dbms_output.put_line('Student: ' || s_name); dbms_output.put_line('Marks:' || s_marks); END IF; END; /
Program calling Package:
From one package pack1, to call package defined procedure, function by passing parameters and get the return result.
DECLARE id number := &no; sname varchar2(20); BEGIN pkg1.proc1(num,details); dbms_output.put_line('Result of Procedure'); dbms_output.put_line(||' '|| details.sname||' '|| details.marks||' '|| dbms_output.put_line('Result of Function'); fname := packg1.func1(no); dbms_output.put_line('Student name: 'fname); END; /
id number &n=2 Result of Procedure 1 David 38K Result of Function Student name: David PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
In next part of this guide, we will take a look on what Triggers are and how to use them with examples.
This tutorial focus on PL/SQL and covers the below topics
- What is PL/SQL?
- Environment Setup
- Variables
- Data Types
- Constants
- Operators
- Conditions
- Loops
- Strings
- Arrays
- Procedures
- Functions
- Cursors
- Records
- Exceptions
- Packages
- Triggers
- Collections
- Transactions
- Date & Time
- Object Oriented
- DBMS Output
If you found any error with any of the docs please let us know.
Learning Objectives
Learn PL/SQL from a beginners perspective, this guide can also help you if you are trying to brush up your PLSQL skills
Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 20th Apr 2015
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