To the point guide to PL/SQL
Working with Date and Time
In PL/SQL there are two classes of date and time its data types are:
- Datetime data types
- Interval data types
The data types of Datetime are:
The data types of Interval are:
Datetime and Interval Data Types Field Values are:
The values datetime and interval data type fields and their possible values are:
Field Name |
Valid Datetime Values |
0 to 59.9(n) here 9(n) is the precision of time fractional seconds |
0 to 59 |
0 to 23 |
01 to 31 (MONTH and YEAR values depends on the locale calendar) |
01 to 12 |
-4712 to 9999 (excluding nonzero integer) |
For DATE or TIMESTAMP is not applicable. |
For DATE or TIMESTAMP is not applicable. |
0 to 59 For DATE or TIMESTAMP is not applicable. |
-12 to 14 (range may vary according to daylight savings time changes) for DATE or TIMESTAMP is not applicable. |
The Functions and Datetime Data Types:
The Datetime data types are:
- DATE: To store the information of date and time in both number and as well as character datatypes, information on second, minute, hour, month, year, and century.
- TIMESTAMP: It is an extension of the datatype DATE which is used to store the day, month and year of the datatype DATE, with seconds, minute and hour values.
- TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE: TIMESTAMP which includes a time zone offset in its value. This datatype is useful for getting information of date and evaluating it across geographic regions.
- TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE: TIMESTAMP which includes a zone time offset in its value.
Below table provides the functions of Datetime:
NOTE: here a
represents a timestamp.
Functions with its Description:
- ADD_MONTHS(a, b): Add y months to ‘a’. If b is negative, ‘b’ months are subtracted from a.
- LAST_DAY(a): To get the month last day.
- MONTHS_BETWEEN(a, b): To get the number of months between ‘a’ and ‘b’.
- NEW_TIME: To get the day/time value from a time zone specified.
- NEXT_DAY(a, day): To get the datetime of the next day following ‘a’; day is specified as a literal string, for example MONDAY.
- ROUND(a [, unit]): To round ‘a’. ‘a’ is rounded to the starting of the nearest day by default.
- SYSDATE(): To get the current datetime for the os set.
- TRUNC(a[, unit]): To truncate ‘a’. ‘a’ is truncated to the starting of the day by default.
Timestamp functions:
NOTE: Here 'a
' represents a timestamp.
- SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(a): To get the UTC from a datetime value with time zone region name.
- SYSTIMESTAMP(): To get the current time and system date and time zone on user local database.
- LOCALTIMESTAMP(): To get a TIMESTAMP that contains the local time in the session time zone.
- CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(): To get a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE that contains the current session time and the time zone.
- FROM_TZ(a, time_zone): To convert the TIMESTAMP ‘a’ and time zone specified by time_zone to a TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE.
- EXTRACT({ YEAR | MONTH | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE | SECOND } | { TIMEZONE_HOUR | TIMEZONE_MINUTE } | { TIMEZONE_REGION | } TIMEZONE_ABBR ) FROM a): To extract a value from ‘a’ interval value.
- TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(a, [format]): To convert a string to a timestamp.
- TO_TIMESTAMP(x, [format]): To convert the string ‘a’ to a TIMESTAMP.
Ex: EXTRACT(YEAR FROM DATE '2015-04-02')Result: 2015 Ex: SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP FROM DUAL;Result: 4/02/2015 6:36:05.248000 PM Ex: TO_TIMESTAMP('2015/APR/13 11:10:19', 'YYYY/MON/DD HH:MI:SS')Result:'13-APR-15 AM' as a timestamp value. Ex: SELECT SYSTIMESTAMP FROM dual;Result: 04/02/2015 6:35:24 PM
The Functions and Data Types of Interval are:
The Interval data types:
- INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH: To store a period of time by using datetime fields YEAR and MONTH.
- INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND: To stores a period of time in terms of seconds, minutes, hours and days.
- NUMTODSINTERVAL (a, interval_unit): To convert a number to a literal of INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND.
- NUMTOYMINTERVAL(a, interval_unit): To converts the number ‘a’ to an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH.
- TO_YMINTERVAL(a): To convert the string ‘a’ to an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH.
- TO_DSINTERVAL(a): To convert the string ‘a’ to an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND.
In next part of this quick introduction guide to PL/SQL we will explore OO concepts. OO is acronym to Object Oriented.
This tutorial focus on PL/SQL and covers the below topics
- What is PL/SQL?
- Environment Setup
- Variables
- Data Types
- Constants
- Operators
- Conditions
- Loops
- Strings
- Arrays
- Procedures
- Functions
- Cursors
- Records
- Exceptions
- Packages
- Triggers
- Collections
- Transactions
- Date & Time
- Object Oriented
- DBMS Output
If you found any error with any of the docs please let us know.
Learning Objectives
Learn PL/SQL from a beginners perspective, this guide can also help you if you are trying to brush up your PLSQL skills
Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 20th Apr 2015
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