To the point guide to PL/SQL
Working with Triggers
What is a Trigger?
In PL/SQL trigger is a structure block stored into database invokes automatically whenever a specified event occurs. Events are any of the following:
- Database Definition (DDL): CREATES, ALTER, and DROP.
- Database Manipulation Language (DML): DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE.
- Whenever user neet to validate DML statements, to modify a table by using triggers on the table that gets invoked automatically whenever DML statement is executed.
- To avoid invalid transaction
- Triggers Enforces referential integrity
- Triggers also enforce constraints such as any insert/ delete /update statements should not be allowed on a particular table.
- Triggers helps in auditing
- Triggers support for security authorization.
Advantages of Triggers:
Creating Triggers:
Defining a trigger by using CREATE TRIGGER statement:
CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER trigger_name BEFORE | AFTER [INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE [COLUMN NAME..] ON table_name Referencing [ OLD AS OLD | NEW AS NEW ] FOR EACH ROW | FOR EACH STATEMENT [ WHEN Condition ] DECLARE Declaration part; BEGIN Executable part; EXCEPTION Exception part; END;
Let's check some important details for above syntax
- CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER trigger_name: Creates trigger with the trigger_name or replaces an existing trigger.
- {BEFORE | AFTER | INSTEAD OF}: This specifies when the trigger would be executed.
- {INSERT [OR] | UPDATE [OR] | DELETE}: This specifies the DML operation.
- [ON table_name]: This specifies the table name.
- [REFERENCING OLD AS o NEW AS n]: This allows referring new and old values for various DML statements.
- [FOR EACH ROW]: This specifies a row level trigger that is the trigger would be executed for each row being affected.
- WHEN (condition): This provides a condition for rows for which the trigger would fire.
- OLD and NEW references can be used for record level triggers and these are not available for table level triggers.
- The AFTER keyword, because triggers can query the table or change it again only after the initial changes are applied and the table is back in a consistent state.
CREATE TABLE Stud_Example ( Stud_id number(5), marks number(4), current_date date, created_by varchar2(10) );
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER orders_before_insert BEFORE INSERT ON Stud_Example FOR EACH ROW DECLARE sname varchar2(20); BEGIN -- Find student name of person performing INSERT into table SELECT name INTO sname FROM dual; -- Update current_date field to current system date :new.current_date := sysdate; -- Update created_by field to the username of the person performing the INSERT :new.created_by := sname; END;
Trigger created.
Restriction to Deleting Trigger:
To avoid deleting row:
CREATE or REPLACE TRIGGER triggr1 AFTER DELETE ON Stud_Details FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF :old.Stud_id = 1 THEN raise_application_error(-20015, 'This row can’t be deleted!'); END IF; END; /
SQL>delete from Stud_Details where Stud_id = 1; Error Code: 20015 Error Name: This row can’t be deleted!
This tutorial focus on PL/SQL and covers the below topics
- What is PL/SQL?
- Environment Setup
- Variables
- Data Types
- Constants
- Operators
- Conditions
- Loops
- Strings
- Arrays
- Procedures
- Functions
- Cursors
- Records
- Exceptions
- Packages
- Triggers
- Collections
- Transactions
- Date & Time
- Object Oriented
- DBMS Output
If you found any error with any of the docs please let us know.
Learning Objectives
Learn PL/SQL from a beginners perspective, this guide can also help you if you are trying to brush up your PLSQL skills
Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 20th Apr 2015
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