Children's Fiction
« backBrave Tom

On a certain summer day, a few years ago, the little village of Briggsville, in Penn
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Thrilling Stories Of The Ocean

The white sharks are the dread of sailors in all hot climates, for they constantly
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A Little Book for Christmas

As a Priest of the Church, as a Missionary in the Far West, as the Rector of large a
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Kullankaivajat ja indiaanit.

Ratsastaja, joka istui pienen, harmaan papurikkohevosen selässä, kulki lukuisan ma
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The house was three miles from the station, but, before the dusty hired hack had rat
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The Tiger of Mysore

While some of our wars in India are open to the charge that they were undertaken on s
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With Kitchener in the Soudan

The reconquest of the Soudan will ever be mentioned as one of the most difficult, and
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It was a sweet spring day, soft and balmy as summer, and any one looking across the
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With Frederick the Great

Among the great wars of history there are few, if any, instances of so long and succ
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A Little Maid of Old Maine

Philip Haldane and his sister lived in a little red-roofed house in a little red-roo
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South American Fights and Fighters

The first part of this new volume of the American Fights and Fighters Series needs
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Jeff Graham was an Argonaut who crossed the plains in 1849, while he was yet in hi
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A Little Traitor to the South

"The tragic interlude" in this little war-time comedy of the affections really happ
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Man on the Ocean

Those who regard familiar objects in art and nature as mere matters of course, and do
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A Sailor's Lass

"Mother, we're afloat agin." It was a gruff, sleepy voice that spoke, and the old fi
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He stood in the wide door of the blacksmith-shop, with his hands in his pockets, l
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For Name and Fame

In following the hero of this story through the last Afghan war, you will be improvin
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The Cat of Bubastes: A Story of Ancient Egypt. 5s.The Young Carthaginian: A Story o
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"The Yacht Club" is the second volume of the Yacht Club Series, to which it gives a
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The plain truth was that Bunyip and his Uncle lived in a small house in a tree, and
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"The Coming Wave" is the fourth volume of the Yacht Club Series, and is an entirely
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The Story of Red Feather

They were mounted on Saladin, a high-spirited, fleet, and good-tempered pony of coal
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"Down the River" is the sixth of the continued stories published in "Our Boys and Gi
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Die twee uitzonderingen waren Flipsen, de veldwachter, en Bruin Boon, een van zijn m
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The Coral Island: A Tale of the Pacific Ocean

I was a boy when I went through the wonderful adventures herein set down. With the
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The Pioneers

Being a man of action, and not particularly enamoured of the pen, his journal (For a
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Life in the Red Brigade

He was tall and good-looking, as well as stout, and, although wet and weary, had a sp
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Silver Lake

Robin’s family consisted of himself, and his wife, and his son Roy, who was twelve
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Six Months at the Cape

Dear Periwinkle,—Since that memorable, not to say miserable, day, when you and I pa
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Up in the Clouds

Every one in health knows, or at some period of life must have known, that upward bou
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Away in the Wilderness

Jasper was big and strong as well as bold, but he was not a bully. Men of true courag
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Battles with the Sea

How does this war progress? It is needful to put and reiterate this question from tim
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Digging for Gold

We introduce our hero to the reader at the interesting age of eighteen, but, long bef
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Fighting the Whales

There is a wise saying which I have often thought much upon. It is this: “Knowledge
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Fort Desolation

Jack was a type of a large class. He was what we may call an outskirter of the world.
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The Garret and the Garden

The sailor glanced in all directions, but was unable to see the owner of the voice un
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Hunting the Lions

A word in passing about the romance of the family. Just because the Brown family is l
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Jarwin and Cuffy

It was early morning, as we have said, and there was plenty of life—animal as well
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Jeff Benson

He left an only son, Jeffrey, and an elder brother, Jacob, to mourn his loss. The son
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The Life of a Ship

Davy was a fisher boy; and Davy was a very active little boy; and Davy wanted to go t
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My Doggie and I

My doggie is unquestionably the most charming, and, in every way, delightful doggie t
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Chasing the Sun

He had a romantic spirit, a quiet gentlemanly manner, a pleasant smile, and a passion
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The Cannibal Islands

Captain Cook was a true hero. His name is known throughout the whole world wherever b
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Sunk at Sea

Even in babyhood, when his limbs were fat and feeble, and his visage was round and re
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The Story of the Rock

Mrs Potter was a woman of large body and small brain. In respect of reasoning power,
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Lost in the Forest
The Battle and the Breeze

When Bill was a baby—a round-faced, large-eyed, fat-legged baby, as unlike to the b
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The Lively Poll; a Tale of the North Sea

With rough pilot coat and sou’-wester, scarred and tarred hands, easy, rolling gait
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Saved by the Lifeboat

The wind was howling in the chimney with wild fury; slates and tiles were being swept
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Wrecked but not Ruined

This group of buildings was, at the time we write of, an outpost of the fur-traders,
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Handbook to the new Gold-fields

In a year more than ordinarily productive of remarkable events, one of the most notew
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Fast in the Ice

Battered by the storms of the Arctic seas, her sails and cordage stiffened by the fro
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The Cash Boy
Nothing to Eat
Facing the World
The Daughter of the Chieftain
TThe Huge Hunter

There was good cause for these exclamations upon the part of the Yankee and Irishm
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TForest and Frontiers

The most daring and adventurous of all hunters is Mr. Roualeyn Gordon Cumming. Bei
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Paul Prescott's Charge
Cast Upon the Breakers
The Errand Boy
TPoor and Proud

If any of my adult readers are disposed to accuse me of being a little extravagant
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Joe the Hotel Boy
Driven from Home
Paul the Peddler
The Story of the Treasure Seekers
The Wouldbegoods
The Phoenix and the Carpet
The Story of the Amulet
The Scouts of the Valley
Frank's Campaign
The Railway Children
Saint George for England
TThe Guns of Bull Run
TThe Dragon and the Raven

Living in the present days of peace and tranquillity it is difficult to picture th
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TIn the Reign of Terror

This time only a few words are needed, for the story speaks for itself. My object
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TThe Star of Gettysburg

"The Star of Gettysburg" is a complete romance, but it is also one of the series d
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Timothy Crump's Ward by Horatio Alger
TIn Freedom's Cause

There are few figures in history who have individually exercised so great an influ
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Won by the Sword
A Knight of the White Cross
New File

"Nonsense, child. You'll find it all too small when you go out into the world. You a
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The Lion of the North
The Young Carthaginian
The Guns of Shiloh
The Young Musician
Hector's Inheritance
Do and Dare
Try and Trust
In the Pecos Country
Helping Himself
Bound to Rise
Walter Sherwood's Probation
The Scouts of Stonewall
TA Girl of the People

"No, no, she's funking it," suddenly called out a dancing little sprite of a newsp
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Herbert Carter's Legacy
TThe Children's Pilgrimage
TThe Lost Trail
By Pike and Dyke: A Tale of the Rise of the Dutch Republic

In all the pages of history there is no record of a struggle so unequal, so obstinate
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By England's Aid

In my preface to By Pike and Dyke I promised in a future story to deal with the clos
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Bonnie Prince Charlie

Those gathered up stairs heard the bolts withdrawn. There was a confused sound of ta
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Beric the Briton

My series of stories dealing with the wars of England would be altogether incomplete
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Light O' the Morning
The Bravest of the Brave
Among Malay Pirates
The Sword of Antietam
Tales Of Daring And Danger

merry party were sitting in the verandah of one of the largest and handsomest bungal
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The Life of Kit Carson
Colonel Thorndyke's Secret
Sheer Pluck
With Moore At Corunna

From the termination of the campaigns of Marlborough--at which time the British army
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Through the Fray
Wulf the Saxon
True to the Old Flag

You have probably been accustomed to regard the war between England and her colonies
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The Rock of Chickamauga
Brave And Bold

Professor Granville, as he styled himself, was a traveling teacher, and generally ha
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The Lost Trail

The bank, some fifteen or twenty feet in height, descended quite abruptly to the str
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The Masters Of The Peaks

A light wind sang through the foliage, turned to varying and vivid hues now by the t
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Friends Though Divided

My dear lads: Although so long a time has elapsed since the great civil war in Engla
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The World of Ice
TThe Shades of the Wilderness

"The Shades of the Wilderness" is the seventh volume of the Civil War Series, of w
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Making His Way

"You hardly need to ask that, Herbert. Are we not always together? If I did not like
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The Soldier Boy; or

This volume is not altogether a military romance, though it contains the adventures
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And Thus He Came

The heavy perfume of rare blossoms, the wild strains of mad music, the patter of fly
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The Cave in the Mountain

Mickey O’Rooney and Fred Munson were stretched on the Apache blanket, carefully wat
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The Forest Runners

THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR SERIESThe Hunters of the HillsThe Rulers of the LakesThe
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From Canal Boy to President by Horatio Alger

The present series of volumes has been undertaken with the view of supplying the wan
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The Free Rangers

The wilderness rolled away to north and to south, and also it rolled away to east an
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The Palace Beautiful

The third and youngest of the sisters also came in the summer, but she was born in a
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The Hosts of the Air

"The Hosts of the Air" is the third and concluding volume of the World War Series, o
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She might have been the former, as far as appearance went; for the sails and deck we
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The Honorable Miss

"So," continued Mrs. Meadowsweet, settling herself in a lazy, fat sort of a way in
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the Rebel Of The School

The Great Shirley School, well as it was managed, had perhaps a larger share than ma
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The Texan Star

"The Texan Star," while a complete story in itself, is the first of three, projected
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Outward Bound

Outward Bound is the first volume of "A Library of Travel and Adventure in Foreign L
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Through Forest and Fire by Edward S. Ellis.

Nick, although born in western Pennsylvania, was as thoroughly Dutch as if he had fi
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Oonomoo the Huron
A Little Mother to the Others

The four children had rather peculiar names. The eldest girl was called Iris, which,
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TThe Tree of Appomattox

"The Tree of Appomattox" concludes the series of connected romances dealing with t
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The Luckiest Girl in the School

"There's no doubt about it, we really must economize somehow!" sighed Mrs. Woodward
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Within Enemy Lines

"Within the Enemy's Lines" is the second volume of "The Blue and the Gray Series." L
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In the Irish Brigade

An Irish Catholic had no prospects of employment or advancement at home. He could ho
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A Popular Schoolgirl

CHAPTER I. The End of the HolidaysCHAPTER II. Opening DayCHAPTER III. Wynch-on-th
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Taken by the Enemy

"Taken by the Enemy" is the first of a new series of six volumes which are to be ass
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Adrift in New York

“If he had died, I might, as you say, have become reconciled; but he was abducted
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On the Blockade

"On the Blockade" is the third of "The Blue and the Gray Series." Like the first and
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It was an intensely hot July day—not a cloud appeared in the high blue vault of th
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A Victorious Union

"A Victorious Union" is the sixth and last of "The Blue and the Gray Series." While
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The Sun Of Quebec

"The Sun of Quebec" is the sixth and closing volume of the French and Indian War Ser
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Fighting for the Right

"Fighting for the Right" is the fifth and last but one of "The Blue and the Gray Ser
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Stand by the Union

"Stand by the Union" is the fourth of "The Blue and Gray Series." As in the precedin
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Adventure of a Kite

We arrived in a large, grassy meadow, sloping down to a low hedge. Beyond the hedge
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A Sweet Little Maid

"I'll hunt up the feathers, and you get ready," Dimple went on. "And the shawl—we
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Both Sides the Border

The four opening years of the fifteenth century were among the most stirring in the
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Girlhood and Womanhood

Of this class of men, of hot passions, with rash advisers, who meditated wrong, but
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With Lee In Virginia

The Great War between the Northern and Southern States of America possesses a peculi
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Under Drake's Flag:

"I went over myself, last week," said a finely-built young sailor, "and I prayed the
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By Right of Conquest:

The conquest of Mexico, an extensive empire with a numerous and warlike population,
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Now or Never

Bobby Bright is a smart boy; perhaps the reader will think he is altogether too smar
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Frank and Fearless

A dozen boys were playing ball in a field adjoining the boarding-school of Dr. Peri
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A Girl In Ten Thousand

The speaker was a middle-aged woman. She was lying on a sofa in a shabby little parl
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Little Maid Marian

The cat and kitten were both eating supper and Marian was watching them. Her own sup
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A Final Reckoning

If, when I am away on a holiday I come across the ruins of a castle, I find myself a
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Angel Children

Genevieve lived in a large, handsome house, which had beautiful gardens all about it
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A Houseful of Girls

Is there any sensation equal to that produced by the first lover and the first propo
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No Surrender!

The losses on both sides were enormous. La Vendee was almost depopulated; and the Re
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Saint Bartholomew's Eve:

For a time the new faith, that had spread with such rapidity in Germany, England, an
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The Jolliest School of All

In a top-story bedroom in an old-fashioned house in a northern suburb of London, a g
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Under Wellington's Command:

The hero, Terence O'Connor, was the son of the senior captain of the Mayo Fusiliers
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Two Boys In Wyoming

You should have seen those youths, for it gives me pleasure to say that two manlier,
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Kate's Ordeal

"My mother wants me to do the same," said quiet Mary Green, "but although I have s
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Young Captain Jack

"Young Captain Jack" relates the adventures of a boy waif, who is cast upon the Atl
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The Eagle of the Empire

One of my best friends, and that friendship has been proved in war and peace, at h
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Through Three Campaigns

I have chosen, as an illustration of this, three campaigns; namely, the relief of Ch
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A Jolly Fellowship

I was sitting on the deck of a Savannah steam-ship, which was lying at a dock in the
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At the Point of the Bayonet

The story of the war in which the power of the great Mahratta confederacy was broken
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For the Sake of the School

Snorting and puffing, as if in agitated apology for the tardiness of its arrival, th
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The Boy Patriot

The character of Blair Robertson, the Fairport boy, will not have been sketched in v
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Fighting the Whales

There are few things in this world that have filled me with so much astonishment a
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The Boy Hunters

I do not wish you to travel to its source; only as far up as Point Coupée, about thr
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The Bush Boys

The boors of the Cape colony have figured very considerably in modern history. Althou
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The Castaways

Of the living, four are full-grown men; three of them white, the fourth of an umber-b
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The Cliff Climbers

The more skilled geographer, or geognosist, could communicate hundreds of other inter
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The Lone Ranche

Yet this same city of Chihuahua challenges weird and wonderful memories. At the menti
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The Rifle Rangers

The tourist turns his face to the Orient—the poet sings the gone glories of Greece�
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On The Irrawaddy:

Great, indeed, was the contrast presented by this first invasion of the country with
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The Goat and Her Kid

he grass plot at the back of the cottage was a very bright green, and sparkled with
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For the Temple:

Unhappily, the reverse of this was the case. Except in the defense of Jotapata and G
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Adrift In The Wilds

One beautiful misummer night in 18— a large, heavily laden steamer was making her
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Fame and Fortune

"Fame and Fortune," like its predecessor, "Ragged Dick," was contributed as a serial
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The Princess of the School

On a certain morning, just a week before[1] Christmas, the little world of school at
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The Youngest Girl in the Fifth
Post Haste

I have to render my grateful acknowledgments to Sir Arthur Blackwood; his private sec
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The Prairie Chief

Indeed the feelings of the latter towards Whitewing amounted almost to veneration, fo
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Red Rooney

Although possessing a broad and stalwart frame, his movements indicated, as we have s
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The Red Man's Revenge

Old Ravenshaw, as his familiars styled him, was a settler, if we may use such a term
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Rivers of Ice

Pausing at the head of one of those narrow lanes which—running down between warehou
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The Rover of the Andes

Although decidedly inelegant and unhandsome, this specimen of the human family was by
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The Settler and the Savage

It was in the first quarter of the present century that the youth referred to—Charl
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Shifting Winds

The hour was midnight. This fact was indicated by the family clock—a Dutch one, wit
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In the Track of the Troops

Some of my younger readers may not perhaps know that by analysis is meant the reducti
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Twice Bought

If this volume should chance to fall into the hands of any of those who acted a part
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The Walrus Hunters

It is an insignificant stream compared with such well-known waterways as the Mackenzi
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The Crew of the Water Wagtail

At all events, it is certain that if the crew of the Water Wagtail had known what was
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The World of Ice

John Buzzby was an old salt—a regular true-blue jack tar of the old school, who had
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The Young Fur Traders

Snowflakes and sunbeams, heat and cold, winter and summer, alternated with their wont
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The Young Trawler

David Bright made a motion as though he were about to fling the parcel away, but he t
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The Red Eric

Captain Dunning, besides being the owner and commander of a South Sea whale-ship, was
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The Battery and the Boiler

He was cradled in squalls, and nourished in squalor—a week of dirty weather having
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The Big Otter

My friend Lumley was particularly fond of warmth and of physical ease, yet he often e
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Blue Lights

We have stood by the side of that lakelet and failed to note the slightest symptom of
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Charlie to the Rescue

At first there were few things, apparently, that did seem to his infant mind desirabl
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The Coral Island

It was a wild, black night of howling storm, the night on which I was born on the foa
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The Coxswain's Bride

Robert Massey, though quite young, was already a leader of men—not only by nature b
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Deep Down

It was a beautiful morning in June, in that period of the world’s history which is
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The Dog Crusoe and his Master

But we draw particular attention to the fact of Crusoe’s having once been a pup, be
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Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished

It was attached to a wickerwork vehicle which resembled a large clothes-basket on sma
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Erling the Bold

The two shallops moved swiftly towards the islands, their oars shivering the liquid m
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The Giant of the North

Now it must not be supposed that our giant was one of those ridiculous myths of the n
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The Golden Dream

Ned stood in the centre of a cavern of vast dimensions—so vast, and so full of inte
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The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands

I gratefully express my acknowledgment and tender my best thanks to the Elder Brethre
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The Gorilla Hunters

I was seated in an armchair in my private study in a small town on the west coast of
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Hunted and Harried

The dragoons, for such they were, trotted rapidly along the road that led into the so
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The Iron Horse

Her neat little body was surmounted by a head which no sculptor in search of an antiq
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The Island Queen

Evidently the albatross regarded the boat with curiosity not unmixed with suspicion,
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The Lifeboat

The neighbourhood around that street was emphatically dirty and noisy. There were pow
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The Lighthouse

It was about that calm hour of the morning which precedes sunrise, when most living c
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The Lonely Island

Although there was nothing piratical in the aspect of the ship—if we except her gun
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Black Ivory

In order to do this I have selected from the most trustworthy sources what I believe
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Martin Rattler

It is a curious fact, however, that, although most of the people in the village of As
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The Middy and the Moors
The Norsemen in the West

Having gained the top of the ridge they peeped over and beheld a hamlet nestled at th
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The Ocean and its Wonders

Yes, the voice of ocean tells but one tale; yet there are many chapters in that wonde
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Philosopher Jack

Jack, whose other name was Edwin, and his age nineteen, was a student. Being of an ar
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The Hot Swamp

This captain was solid, square, bronzed, bluff, and resolute, as all sea-captains are
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Hudson Bay

Since this book was written, very considerable changes have taken place in the affair
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Held Fast For England

The Siege of Gibraltar stands almost alone in the annals of warfare, alike in its du
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The Butterfly's Ball
The Birthday Party

They were very indulgent parents, and as they had plenty of money, they could affor
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The Talking Leaves

The two girls were of about the same size, and could not either of them have been
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Dickory Dock

Of course there was a baby in the case—a baby and mongrel dog, and a little boy an
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The Young Franc Tireurs

The present story was written and published a few months, only, after the terminatio
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A Modern Tomboy

Mrs. Merriman and Lucy were standing at the white gates of Sunnyside, waiting for th
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At Aboukir and Acre

With the general knowledge of geography now possessed we may well wonder at the wild
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Steve and the Steam Engine

While his father, mother, and sister Doris had been absent in New York for a week-en
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Breaking Away

"Breaking Away" is the second of the series of stories published in "Our Boys and Gi
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The Young Acrobat of the Great North American Circus

There was great excitement in Smyrna, especially among the boys. Barlow's Great Amer
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From Farm To Fortune

In penning this tale the author has endeavored to show the difference between life i
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The Young Miner

Those who were interested in Tom Nelson's trip across the Plains will find in the p
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Red Rose And Tiger Lily

Hester Thornton stepped out of the drawing-room at the Grange, and, walking a little
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Chester Rand or The New Path To Fortune

Silas Tripp had one assistant, a stout, pleasant-looking boy of fifteen, who looked
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The Young Voyageurs

A vast journey it will be. It will cost us many thousand miles of travel. We shall fi
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The Fugitives

I have ventured to modify time and place somewhat, as well as to mix my characters an
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Ted and the Telephone

Ted Turner lived at Freeman's Falls, a sleepy little town on the bank of a small Ne
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Blown to Bits

Two men slowly paced the brig’s quarterdeck for some time in silence, as if the ele
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The Buffalo Runners

Snow, fine as dust and sharp as needles, was caught up bodily by the wind in great ma
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The Eagle Cliff

We say “failed” advisedly, because his various attempts in that direction have us
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Fighting the Flames

Especially may this be said to be the case in a cold, raw night in November, when man
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The Thorogood Family

These five boys were broad, and sturdy, like their father. Like him, also, they were
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She might have been the former, as far as appearance went, for the sails and decks we
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Under the Waves

I have to acknowledge myself indebted to the well-known submarine engineers Messrs Si
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Freaks on the Fells

Now, it is necessary here to guard the reader from falling into a mistake in referenc
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Work and Win

In the preparation of this volume, the author has had in his mind the intention to d
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The "Telegraph Boy" completes the series of sketches of street-life in New York inau
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Over the Rocky Mountains

As all classes, in every age, have proved that tales and stories, are the most popula
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Down the Rhine

Down the Rhine, the sixth and last volume of the first series of "Young America A
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A Girl of the Commune

Jeremiah Brander was one of the most prominent personages in the Cathedral town of A
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"I know him," said Dan to himself. "I ought to know Tom Carver. We used to sit toget
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The Flying Girl

The author wishes to acknowledge her indebtedness to Mr. Glenn H. Curtiss and Mr. Wi
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Don Gordon's Shooting-Box

This conversation took place one cold, frosty morning in the latter part of January,
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