Math Definitions - Letter R
Risk Management
Definition of Risk Management

Risk Management is the practice of trying to minimise the overall risk of your investments through methods such as diversification (having investments in different things) or buying insurance.
For example, Al might decide to sell his shares in a company and deposit the money in the bank because he believes that there is a large risk that the company will lose money, the share price will fall and he will lose lot of money. He might also decide to diversify his investments by selling one of his home units and investing the money in treasury bonds to make sure that he doesn't lose too much money if the property market falls.
The aim of this dictionary is to provide definitions to common mathematical terms. Students learn a new math skill every week at school, sometimes just before they start a new skill, if they want to look at what a specific term means, this is where this dictionary will become handy and a go-to guide for a student.
Year 1 to Year 12 students
Learning Objectives
Learn common math terms starting with letter R
Author: Subject Coach
Added on: 5th Feb 2018
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